My Child Lebensborn

My Child Lebensborn

Android iOS
  • File Size:


  • Version:


  • Updated Date:

    August 15, 2022

  • Developer:

    Sarepta Studio AS

  • File Size:


  • Version:


  • Updated Date:

    April 8, 2022

  • Developer:

    Sarepta Studio AS



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Simulation survival Adventure iOS Android boys

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My Child Lebensborn is a unique and emotionally charged mobile game developed by Sarepta Studio. Set in post-World War II Norway, the game explores the challenges and consequences of raising a child born from the Lebensborn program. With its thought-provoking narrative and immersive gameplay, My Child Lebensborn offers a deeply impactful and memorable experience for players. Let's delve into the game's introduction, gameplay, and its most attractive aspects for users.

In My Child Lebensborn, players assume the role of a foster parent to a child who is a product of the Lebensborn program. The game sheds light on the historical context of the program, which involved children born to Norwegian mothers and German soldiers during the war. As the player, you must nurture and care for your child, while also facing societal prejudices and challenging choices.

The gameplay in My Child Lebensborn revolves around taking care of your child's physical and emotional needs. Here's an overview of the gameplay mechanics:

Parenting Responsibilities:

As a foster parent, you are responsible for attending to your child's needs. This includes feeding, bathing, clothing, and playing with them. Ensuring their well-being and happiness is crucial for their development.


Throughout the game, players will face difficult choices that impact both the child and their relationship with society. These decisions often relate to addressing the child's emotional struggles, dealing with bullying, or facing discrimination. Your choices shape the child's personality, resilience, and sense of identity.

Emotional Support:

The child may exhibit various emotional challenges due to their unique circumstances. Players must provide emotional support, engage in conversations, and offer guidance to help the child navigate their complex emotions. Building a trusting and understanding relationship is key to their well-being.

Resource Management:

Managing limited resources, such as money and time, is crucial in the game. Balancing work, education, and caring for the child becomes a delicate task. Budget wisely to provide for the child's needs and ensure a stable environment.

Relationships and Interactions:

Interactions with other characters, including neighbors, friends, and schoolmates, play a significant role in the child's life. Nurturing positive relationships and addressing conflicts can impact the child's social skills and overall happiness.

Most Attractive Points for Users:

Emotional Narrative: The game tackles sensitive and emotional themes, immersing players in a profound and thought-provoking story. It offers a unique perspective on the consequences of war and the challenges faced by innocent children caught in the aftermath.

Moral Dilemmas: My Child Lebensborn presents players with moral dilemmas, forcing them to make tough decisions that can have profound and lasting effects on the child's life. This aspect creates a deep sense of responsibility and engagement.

Character Development: The child's growth and development are shaped by the player's choices and actions. Witnessing the impact of your parenting style and the child's resilience is a compelling and rewarding aspect of the game.

Educational Value: The game sheds light on the historical context of the Lebensborn program, fostering awareness and empathy for the children who experienced its consequences. It provides an opportunity for players to learn about a lesser-known aspect of history.

Artistic Design and Soundtrack: The game features beautiful artwork and a captivating soundtrack that enhances the immersive experience. The visuals and music contribute to the emotional depth of the narrative.


My Child Lebensborn offers a poignant and impactful gaming experience, delving into the complexities of parenthood and the effects of war on innocent lives. With its immersive gameplay, emotional narrative, and challenging decision-making, the game provides a unique and thought-provoking journey for players.