Getting Over It

Getting Over It

Android iOS
  • File Size:


  • Version:


  • Updated Date:

    May 25, 2023

  • Developer:


  • File Size:

    248.3 MB

  • Version:


  • Updated Date:

    Jul 26, 2021

  • Developer:




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Action casual platform single player offline Adventure

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Prepare yourself for a challenging and unique gaming experience as we delve into the world of "Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy." Developed by Bennett Foddy, this critically acclaimed indie game pushes the boundaries of frustration and perseverance, testing your patience and determination like no other. Brace yourself for an emotional rollercoaster as you embark on a journey of climbing treacherous mountains using nothing but a hammer, overcoming obstacles, and embracing the power of resilience.

Game Characters:

In "Getting Over It," players step into the shoes of an unnamed character known as Diogenes. Diogenes is a mysterious figure clad in a metal cauldron, armed with only a sledgehammer. His appearance is enigmatic, with his face hidden beneath the cauldron, leaving players to ponder his true identity and purpose. As you guide Diogenes through the challenging landscapes, you'll come to appreciate his resilience and unwavering determination to conquer the mountains that lie ahead.

Though the game focuses primarily on Diogenes, it is worth noting that the true character of the game is the mountain itself. The mountains you encounter are formidable, filled with steep cliffs, treacherous gaps, and daunting obstacles. Each mountain presents a unique challenge, pushing you to your limits and testing your ability to navigate the unforgiving terrain. As you progress, you'll encounter different landscapes and environments, each with its own distinct characteristics, adding variety and complexity to the gameplay.

How to Operate:

Operating in "Getting Over It" requires mastering the unconventional control scheme designed to enhance the game's difficulty and frustration. The controls may seem simple, but their execution demands precision and patience.

To control Diogenes, you'll primarily rely on the mouse or touchpad. Moving the mouse or swiping on the touchpad controls the swinging motion of Diogenes' sledgehammer. By positioning the hammer strategically, you can hook it onto surfaces, ledges, or objects to propel Diogenes upward. The swinging motion creates a unique physics-based gameplay mechanic, adding a layer of complexity to your movement.

As you navigate the treacherous terrain, it's crucial to plan your swings carefully, taking into account the weight and momentum of the hammer. A well-timed swing can launch you to new heights, while a poorly executed one may result in a frustrating setback. You'll need to adapt to the physics and mechanics of the game, honing your skills through trial and error.

Beyond the basic controls, the game also challenges you to use your mouse or touchpad to maintain your balance and control Diogenes' movements. Small adjustments and precise positioning are key to preventing him from slipping, tumbling, or getting stuck in crevices. The game deliberately lacks a jump function, forcing you to rely solely on the swinging motion of the hammer to navigate the obstacles in your path.

It's important to note that "Getting Over It" is as much a test of mental fortitude as it is a test of skill. Frustration and setbacks are an integral part of the experience. However, with perseverance, determination, and a strategic approach, you'll be able to conquer the seemingly insurmountable challenges and reach new heights.

"Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy" is a game that defies conventional gaming norms, pushing players to their limits in a test of skill, patience, and resilience. Through the eyes of Diogenes, you'll embark on an arduous journey of climbing treacherous mountains, facing challenging obstacles, and confronting your own frustration. With its unconventional controls and physics-based gameplay, the game challenges you to master the swinging motion of the sledgehammer and navigate the unforgiving terrain with precision.